lunes, 13 de abril de 2020

The fantastic horse



Once upon a time, in the beautiful land of Ancient Greece, the last flying Pegasus died under the fresh tree, where he lived almost all his life. In the Victoria region, everybody bred Pegasus, which was sold to distinguished gentlemen like turkeys that show their spectacular plumages. At that time, the Pegasus did not fly, they were born to live and die with spiky wings to shoo flies away. But as things happened, there was a cruel man called Ocalion, who lived in this region too. He had a big ranch named Toni, and he worked as a Pegasus breeder and tamer. A Toni Pegasus was a magnificent and thoroughbred horse. They ran like the wind and jumped higher than other horses, and they spread out their skinny wings. However, they could not fly, despite the many lashes their owners gave them. Everybody in Victoria and the surrounding areas wanted to bring their best specimens to tame them in the Toti ranch, despite the cruel treatment they received - the poor horses only saw the sunlight when they could jump or fall with style -.

The wicked Ocalion said his technique was the best, and he thought that Isidoro would be reincarnated as the horse Pegasus and his magic wand. Not far from there, there was a mestizo muleteer called Sergio, who lived on the ranch Rojan, and he had never seen a Pegasus. Some days, he decided to see how Toti’s men tamed horses, thinking their methods were atrocious, but possibly useful. However, he was unable to punish his animals to tame them. Some years ago, he won a docile and strong mare at a horse fair, and he named it Lima. So, every afternoon, when he worked in the countryside, he let Lima run on the plains and enjoy the fresh grass and quiet creeks for a while.  After two days without going to the countryside, Sergio began looking for Lima at dawn, but did not find it until sunset; she had escaped and had come back with some marks on its back.
After some months went by, Lima’s belly began to grow and finally a foal was born, rare but beautiful. Conde, as he called it, had two feathered legs on each side of its back. As Sergio did not have more horses, he was afraid somebody would try to steal his horse, so he decided to take Lima to the farthest savanna from the ranch, near the mountains. He decided to tame Conde away from the gaze of other ranchers. For three years, when he understood that Conde had not legs but wings on each side of its back, he trained him without rest, but with no whips or punishment. Conde was free, and he was always close to his mother, but it was not until the fourth year that Sergio realized Conde could fly, so they started doing small flights to the creek and to the forest. At first, they only flew during nights with a full moon, until one day Conde did it during the day.

Oh my god! said Sergio, “I’m going to tell my mother this marvelous news”.

But, after a few hours, ranchers from everywhere arrived at the Rojan ranch to look for Isidoro’s reincarnation. The wicked Ocalion arrived too and, with his army of servants, found the horses near Mount Rin. Then, they captured Lima, but Conde flew over them and went to tell Sergio.  There, he found his friend, who had been beaten by Ocalion’s men.

 Conde tried to help Sergio and asked him

--"Sergio, my friend! What happened here?”

--"The cruel Ocalion came with his men, and they beat me.  You must go away”.

But Conde could not help his friend Sergio Eydelver, because he was captured too. Later, Sergio escaped and released Conde. Unfortunately, Lima died because of her wounds, and they felt downhearted. According to the legend, Sergio and his Mother Teresa lived together with Conde, and they used to talk a lot at night. They helped people and visited the house of Hefestos, the blacksmith god, and received horseshoes to train with Apollo, the sun god, so they lived happily forever. Finally, one day, Sergio and his mother met with his kind horse, and they had a small conversation

Sergio: “Mom, we must free all Pegasus from slavery”
Mother: “OK Son! Everybody must be free.”
Conde: “Yes, that’s right. I will help you. I want to be the next president

The End.

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